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But I was

Hello again! I don't really have much to say in this blog post other than i've written a poem, i'd say enjoy but it isn't the happiest of poems, it was difficult to write without getting choked up. But, I am more than what happened to me and i'm a stronger person because of it. Thank you for reading

But I was


I lie there frozen with fear,

As his hands glide over me.

Our breathing I can hear,

Why can no-one see?

I'm too young to know,

And I cant understand.

Inside i'm screaming no,

Yet it seems this is planned.

Paralyzed with confusion,

I lie down and take it

I don't like intrusion,

But I can't seem to break it.

I try to pull away,

I don't think this is right.

He says it's okay,

He ruined me that night.

When it came to an end,

I already felt criminal.

I had to pretend.

That I wasn't miserable.

But I was.

-Jenna Clarkson. 2019

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